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-Saturday, May 15, 2010-7:37 AM Y





Temporally. XD

Fluttering Away~*

-Tuesday, May 26, 2009-5:47 AM Y


Family day's in a few days time and most of us not that ready.

What's worse is that i've gotten a freakin sore throat. (MUST BE THE ACURSED NASI BIYRANI, THE FISH AND CHIP AND THE MINI PREZZEL STICKS. O AO ~--! )

-Gulps down "cooling tea"-


Fluttering Away~*

-Saturday, January 31, 2009-7:57 AM Y

Celebrated mah birthday today~

bbq, lol~

had LODS of fun with Eugi, Amy, Ah Chua, Suzu, Sam, A.Y (Ayane Yuki), Rachel,Farawr(XD sorry. just HAD to do that.)& Shannen~ (Jacq came too, but had too leave before the fun began. so sorry, Jacq, for making you wait. I'll be sure to make up for ya one day! )

LOVE YOU GUYS~! > 3<~ <3

Earlier today we also had some sushi buffet to celebrate my grandpa's birthday~
Later, went to go pick Rach up and went home for last min prep~ (I know how much ya wanna roll on my bed nows, Rach~ >8DD)
Not long after, went to MRT station to go 'fetch' Farah. At that time, she won't reach till 15 mins later, so we went to TM for a lil stroll~ Met Jo there too! turns out, she had flag day ta do, so i went to donate some moolah~

After Farah arrived, Eugi called and told me that she was coming, so we waited for her and sam.At this point, 1 hour had passed since i went out of the house, and amy, ah chua and shannen were all at my house waiting. @w@ had a HECK lods of calls from mum. -getshot-

later we went to the bus stop, where we saw Suzu. Turns out that she was about to call me to ask which bus to go, lol. so in the end, instead of fetching just farah, everyone came abourd the bus together. XD

-skips to the middle of party, lol. *getshot*-


Yep. Me and my bro decided to play this with everyone. >8DD

Anyways, if you guys are wondering how i know this game, go here:


(Just proves that sometimes games CAN teach new stuff. XD )

But instead of using numbered sticks, we used cards. XDD

We had a heck lot of weird commands from various kings. From doing 40 push-ups to eating/drinking weird concoctions like: coke + sprite + green tea + thousand island dressing. and the first one to do that was ms vivian. XDD


God, her's was the longest command to be done. XD
Knowing how much hatred she shows toward veggies, we decided to show her some love to them.

With a twist.

Beside thousand island and oil poured on, we added vinegar, coke, sprite, green tea, chilli sauce& tomato sauce. And , I have to say, the smell of it is not at all tasty.But before we could even show her the plate, she ran away. so, we chased. We held her down, but it was not use. she kept struggling, so we couldn't feed her, so in the end, they chased her all the way to IDK where, lol. (Didn't run, lol. -is a lazy ass-) guess they dissapeared for, like, 20 min or so?
We still couldn't get Eugi to eat the veggie, so we gave her the meat to at least put in her mouth for 10 secs but she still ate it in the end. XDD

later, we went upstairs to rest up a lil after playing in the pool. Showed sam p4~ XD
went to help suzu cut her wig, too, but i has completely phail. TwT
And i guess it was because my mum saw her wearing it, she asked me to wear mine down too.

which i did. @w@;;


I has to go rest meh eyes nows. tomorrow's a day of homework again. TwT~

Izumi desu~*

Fluttering Away~*

-Friday, January 16, 2009-10:24 PM Y

I got meh Ciel's wig, Lulz. 8'DDDDD (Thanks to Miho who helped me preorder first~ > 3<)

And i've my burrett too~~! ^(* o*)^

Pikchars belowwwzzzzz 8'D

Don't mind the bad quality. It's my hp's cammy~


On a random note, I've been a reaaaaally good girl, and have been doing her homework, desu. .w.b -getshot-


Looks like SGCafe got closed for the moment.

Someone so stupid actually made Kenshin angry again but not even READING the simple rules.

Hell, ONE WEEK to know how to change your profile? What a dumbass. Ever heard of ASKING, you Brainless person?

Also, I had another photoshoot last week, Sat~
Was able to meet with other SGCafe members~
Will never forget that part of the day where the terrorist group had their turn.
10 over people were fangirl/guying~ XDD
Ayu-chan nearly nosebleeded too~ XDDDD
Aaida, you enthu person. XD
So pratically, we ALL went high. XD
And the Video, too!
The link to the vid (SM Queen's take, desu.)-->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTCPr4QHedg&feature=channel_page

I need ta go edit s'more pictures desu~~
Have a nice weekend ahead~

(Looked weird with the wig, here .__. )
Me with the burrett~ <33>
Yeah. I know. i look very un-me without my specs, kthnksbai. (:

Fluttering Away~*

-Friday, January 2, 2009-10:41 PM Y


I'm officially Persona 4 crazy.


Fluttering Away~*

-Wednesday, December 31, 2008-6:30 AM Y

Well, it's a new year already~! And with a quick drawing to celebrate it~!
time really passes by when you're having fun, yeah?~
with just half an hour till 2009, I'll like to thank a few people that has left many great memories to keep though the years~
First off, My lovely, squishable, chubby Brother.
Without you, I doubt that I'll be the person I am now~ along with the many secrets we share XD

2nd, Eugi, my crazy lil twin package~
Thanks for sticking along with me allllllll the way~! Though we may fight once in a while, We'll still be the best of friends~! I still remember last year, where I wrote: "Blur, but cute~!" behind your back on one of the ice breaker games we had. That was before I really knew the real you! XD and the time before going up the stage in cosfest for the singing competition. I'm 100% sure that if you weren't by my side, I would have chickened (no pun intended .__.) out and run with my tail between my legs. <3 you!

3rd, My lovely 先輩 and 攻め,Miho~!
Love you darling! You're the best! If we hadn't met at all, I wouldn't have ever been in a high level of otaku-ness~! A person too look up to when I'm down and pissed, and to foolishly fight over characters XD a cosplay freak, and my lovely ....... =w= ~~(Juu know what I mean, lol~~). Never look down on yourself, and keep looking at the bright side of life! With these words, you'll be a much happier person~!

4th, my dearest mentor, Ms Vivian.
You're the very first tuition teacher that has taught me for more than a year! Of course I'll be hoping for the many years to come to be a more easier job for ya~I'll try my best to do my homework more often! @w@! I'll never forget the many interesting things you've taught me besides my school work, and influencing me more to musicals~!

5th~ Yuki/Night~! (Still don't know which one to call you, lol.)
Though we don't usually talk that much, you've really been a great 'cosplay sensei' to me undirectly. XDD Whenever I see you and Miho preparing for your cosplays, I've been secretly taking down mental notes, lol! (....now that sounded a lil....=w=;;) Thanks for allowing me to have my very first personal photoshoot with you guys as a photog with my very first camera. This will always be in my memories as: "HOSHIT. GET MIHO'S CONTACTS AND RUSH TO T3!" Photoshoot! XDD *Hearts juu~!*  
And of course, the many people like Suzu, Lana, Amy, ect..
Thank you all!
My life wouldn't be complete without you guys!

Fluttering Away~*

-Wednesday, December 17, 2008-7:01 AM Y

Had a photoshoot @ T3 with Miho and Yuki today~
Very nice place, but the very hard to find a place with good lighting. -dies-

At about 12+ both of them flew to my house form miho's and died slack stayed for about an hour or so?

At around 1 going 2 the two models people went to prepare their stuff and happily go to the Airport to take the photo~

Then Miho forgot her Contact Lens.

All of us ran to her house, grab it, touch-up their makeup and ZAO to T3.
Remember to kill you later, Miho

Reached there about.....4-5? =w=;;;

Took the pics and ate some SUPERBLY late Breakfast/Quite late lunch/Really early dinner* In the Kopitiam then went back around 6-7. (I was SUPER late. Thank GAWD that my parents have yet to come back. XDD)

* Delete where appropriate

A few pics desu~

The two alter egos of Kaito, at your service!

I wonder if there's Green tea aiisu?~~

Wha'cha want?

The rest.....shall be for later~ >w<~
Izumi desu~*

Fluttering Away~*


NAMETAG: Averutia (or Izumi OR Hazel :3 )


-+ To be a little less naive
-+ To be a great cosplayer .A.


-+People who causes HELL and unnecessary PAIN to me or anyone dear.



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Eugi luv!
Josephine Dearest~


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009
May 2010


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